
Seven dead, dozens injured as gunfire ends massive rally honoring Arafat in Gaza

...and what better way to honor the Great Man.
Fatah leaders vow revenge™
Ah, ya couldn't see this coming, could ya?
Gaza – Ma'an – Seven Palestinians were killed when Hamas-allied police opened fire on a massive Fatah-organized rally in Gaza City marking the third anniversary of the death of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat on Monday. Hundreds of thousands had attended the event, the largest Fatah rally since Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in June.
Palestine TV said "Hamas militias" fired from the roof of Al-Azhar University into the crowd in the adjacent Al-Katiba Square. Hamas, for its part, accused Fatah supporters of shooting first.
He did it!
No, he did it!
No, he did it!
No, he did it!

Palestine TV identified one of the dead was identified as Tariq Najjar. At least one child was also killed. By some estimates, up to a hundred others were injured when gunshots sent thousands of panicked Fatah supporters running.
Ouch! My foot!!! Ouch! My other foot!
The Associated Press reported that one of the injured was a Hamas police officer who was shot in the head.
I'm thinking one of the gun sex bullets that's never supposed to come down...
Fatah leaders call for revenge™
We call for more popcorn...
Fatah leaders in the West Bank were outraged at the killings. Mohammad Dahlan, Fatah's former Gaza Strip strongman, who was overthrown by Hamas fighters in June, called for revenge™. He told Palestine TV, "Victory over those killers will be very soon through such rallies and gatherings as what we have seen today." He also pledged not to forget "the martyrs' blood."
Careful, Mo. The last time you wanted revenge™ they burnt your house down and stole all those nice suits of yours...
A tense day of remembrance
It's tense out there, Mahmoud.
Yeah, too tense...

Tensions were high when the rally began on Monday morning. Large numbers of Hamas-affiliated police were deployed at intersections in Gaza City.
Didn't I just say that, Mahmoud?
Ya sure did, sarge...

Fatah leaders had accused Hamas of disrupting the planned gathering by intercepting shipments of Fatah posters, scarves, and baseball caps. Hamas claimed to have returned the items.
Don't be fooled by knockoffs. Make sure all your terrorist memorabilia has the official "good terrorist" hologram and certificate of authenticity...
Two people were wounded when police broke up a Fatah rally in Al-Bureij refugee camp on Sunday night. The speakers at the rally, much like those at Sunday's festival in Ramallah, had harsh words for Hamas.
We curse their mustaches! Their father's mustaches!! Their mother's mustaches!!!
Fatah leader Ahmad Hillis, who is also member of the Revolutionary Council told the crowd: "You affirm today that Gaza Strip will remain Fatah's stronghold and will not be torched by the mutineers."
But now...gotta go!
Hamas leaders also paid tribute to the iconic leader of the Palestinian struggle. "We honor and respect Yasser Arafat because he ... refused to give up the rights of our people in this holy land," Hamas spokesperson Fawzi Barhoum told the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on Monday. Thousands attended a Fatah-organized festival in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sunday, the actual anniversary of Arafat's death.
Good times...good times...
Posted by: tu3031 2007-11-12