
Congress seeks $2m for Taylor’s capture
The US Congress has attached to the Bill approving President Bush’s plan to spend $87 billion rebuilding and securing Iraq and Afghanistan, an unexpected $2 million ‘for the capture’ of the former President of Liberia, Charles Taylor.
Somebody's been paying attention...
Taylor left Liberia in August after prolonged negotiations, and is currently ensconced in a villa in the Nigerian city of Port Harcourt, provided to him by the country’s President, Olusegun Obasanjo.
One of those little professional courtesies...
With his whereabouts far from a secret, the US bounty has raised fears that mercenaries may take up the challenge to kidnap and bring in the exiled Liberian warlord.
Oh, I'm all a-quiver with fears of just that...
In June, Taylor was indicted on war crimes charges by the United Nations tribunal that is trying Sierra Leoneans alleged to have committed atrocities during the country’s long civil war.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-02