
Palestinians condemn US reward for info on Gaza bombing
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The Palestinian Authority on Sunday condemned the US for offering a reward of up to $5 million for people providing information about the attack on American convoy in the Gaza Strip on October 15. Three US security guards were killed when a remote-controlled roadside bomb was detonated near their convoy in the northern Gaza Strip.
"How dare they defend themselves with filthy lucre!..er....how much are they offering?"
The offer, on the State Department’s Web site http://www.rewardsforjustice.net, is for information leading to the arrest or conviction of the people responsible for the attack.

Col. Rashid Abu Shabak, commander of the Palestinian Authority’s Preventive Security Service in the Gaza Strip, lashed out at the US for making the offer, saying the PA was continuing delaying its investigation into the case. "We strongly condemn this decision," he said. "This is an insulting announcement because it deals with a people whose mouth does not water in the face of financial temptations."
rrrriiiggghhhttt. Have something to worry about Rashid?
Abu Shabak, whose force has been entrusted with investigating the attack on the US convoy, said the Palestinians and their security forces refuse to play the role of mercenaries for the US or any other party. "We don’t work as mercenaries for anyone even ourselves ," he added. "We operate according to our own security lack of vision, which is to serve the interests of the Palestinian people and to provide them with security and calm."
We dispense Prozac by the bucket
He said the PA was continuing to investigate the incident, but declined to say whether any progress has been made. It’s also not clear what happened to the eight Palestinians who were detained shortly after the attack. Sources in Gaza City said most of the detainees have been released.
damn screen doors on the jails!
The suspects belong to the Popular Resistance Committees, an alliance of different militias, including Fatah, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Popular Resistance Committees intitially claimed responsibility for the killing of the three Americans, but backtracked after the PA strongly condemned the attack.

A senior PA official in Ramallah described the US offer as "imprudent" and a "flagrant intervention in Palestinian affairs." He added: "The offer is a stab in the back of the Palestinians, who are doing their utmost to capture the culprits."
speaking of stabs in the back, did we mention we replenished the IAF Hellfire inventory? Enjoy, asshole!
An FBI delegation dispatched to investigate the incident met twice with members of the PA investigation team near the Erez checkpoint. Gen. Abdel Razak Majaydeh, the highest-ranking security official in the Gaza Strip who heads the PA investigation team, claimed on Sunday that the FBI delegation was diplospeak coming satisfied with the cooperation of the PA security forces in the investigation.

The PA media has accused Israel of standing behind the attack on the American convoy with the aim of driving a wedge between the Palestinian Authority and the US. Senior PA officials have also accused Israel in private of being responsible for the attack.

right...the Israelis, those known users of bombs and roadside mines, did it....that rings true.....
Posted by: Frank G 2003-11-02