
Leb Mole Deceitfully Obtains US Citizenship, Jobs @ CIA, FBI & Computer Access
gawd plz deliver us..
Former Employee of CIA and FBI Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy, Unauthorized Computer Access and Naturalization Fraud
hey you heartless peeps, She's just doing a JOB you lazy American bastids Refuse to Do...Yep..
DETROIT – Nada Nadim Prouty, a 37-year-old Lebanese national and resident of Vienna, Va., pleaded guilty today in the Eastern District of Michigan to charges of fraudulently obtaining U.S. citizenship, which she later used to gain employment at the FBI and CIA; accessing a federal computer system to unlawfully query information about her relatives and the terrorist organization Hizballah; and conspiracy to defraud the United States.
cunning, guileful, duplicitous, humm.. sounds like Hildabeast..
At a hearing in Detroit before the U.S. District Court Judge Avern Cohn, Prouty entered a plea of guilty to counts one, two and three of a second superseding information. Count one of the information charges conspiracy, for which the maximum penalty is five years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine. Count two charges unauthorized computer access, for which the maximum penalty is one year imprisonment and a $100,000 fine. Count three charges naturalization fraud, for which the maximum penalty is 10 years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine, and requires the court to de-naturalize the defendant.
Hey She's a go getter..We need these hard workin ILLEGALS!
“This case highlights the importance of conducting stringent and thorough background investigations,” said U.S. Attorney Stephen J. Murphy. “It’s hard to imagine a greater threat than the situation where a foreign national uses fraud to attain citizenship and then, based on that fraud insinuates herself into a sensitive position in the U.S. government. I applaud the excellent investigative work of the FBI, ICE and DHS, which led to the successful prosecution today.”
gosh, no kidding.. are any of you clapping yet?
“It is a sad day when one of our public servants breaches our security and trust,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth L. Wainstein. “This defendant engaged in a pattern of deceit to secure U.S. citizenship, to gain employment in the intelligence community, and to obtain and exploit her access to sensitive counter-terrorism intelligence. It is fitting that she now stands to lose both her citizenship and her liberty.”
"PUBLIC SERVANT"? WHAT? EXCUSE ME, mr. Wainstein, YOU ARE STOOPID.. that's sad..
the blood is a-boiling..plz excuse me, lots more at linky

Posted by: Red Dawg 2007-11-14