
UN: Darfur Peacekeeping Faces Failure
Boy howdy, that just snuck up on us, didn't it.
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - A joint peacekeeping force will not be prepared to take over in Darfur by the start of 2008 unless Sudan quickly accepts units from outside Africa and contributing countries offer critical equipment, a top U.N. official warned Wednesday. Jean-Marie Guehenno said the world could face a grim choice: either delay the takeover or start the deployment with an ill-equipped force that may not be able to protect its own peacekeepers, let alone civilians.
Send in the mighty Uruguayans!
The United Nations has already been wrangling with Sudan over the U.N.-African Union mission for over a year while the conflict in Darfur has raged. More than 200,000 people have died since fighting broke out in 2003, and the peace process suffered a setback last month when key rebels boycotted talks in Libya.

Guehenno, the U.N. undersecretary-general for peacekeeping operations, expressed frustration with Sudan for resisting critical contributions from Thailand, Nepal and Nordic countries. But he also criticized U.N. member countries for failing to offer helicopters and other equipment. "If those issues are not addressed very shortly, it means the mission in 2008 will not be able to make the difference that the world wants to it to make and that it may become a failure," Guehenno told reporters after briefing the Security Council.
Let the French, Germans and Belgians give to this one.
The 26,000-member force still needs 18 transport helicopter and 6 support light helicopters crucial for sending reinforcements swiftly in emergencies, he said.
How many Belgian heavy barbers?
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is in constant talks with defense ministers around the world, but has yet to receive concrete offers, Guehenno said. "I think it tells a sad story on the commitment for Darfur, frankly," he said. He acknowledged that Sudan's reluctance to accept contributions from outside Africa may be deterring governments from pledging help.
Oh, think so? Peacekeeping troops having to worry that the central gummint troops might plug them does tend to lower enthusiasm for the mission.
The joint force is to takeover from a beleaguered 7,000-member African Union mission. But Sudan has yet to approve a list of contributing countries despite concessions to its demands that the force be predominantly African.

Diplomats said the Security Council would soon reconvene to discuss what to do about the problem, but offered no indications about possible steps.
Time for another strongly-worded condemnation.

Posted by: Steve White 2007-11-15