
Hamas And Other Terrorist Groups Strongly Endorse Hillary
Hamas believes Sen. Hillary Clinton, if elected president in 2008, will end President Bush's "unlimited military and diplomatic support for Israel" and adapt a more "evenhanded" approach toward the Palestinians, says the group's top political adviser.

Speaking yesterday with WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein, Ahmed Yousuf, the top aide to Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader in Gaza and deposed prime minister of the Hamas-led Palestinian government, said in recorded comments the group heard from "many Americans" that if the Democrats take the White House next year they will implement "drastic changes" to U.S. foreign policy and relations with the Palestinians.

"I do believe Miss Clinton will have a more balanced policy when it comes to how to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict," Yousuf told Klein. "And I don't think she is going to give to the Israelis this unlimited military and diplomatic support that they are actually enjoying now; so … the future politics in the region will [see] a very drastic change when it comes to how to handle the Palestinian question."

Yousuf, speaking in English, said he hopes Clinton will "follow in the footsteps" of her husband's administration when it comes to dealing with the Palestinians.
And in Arabic, he said, "Death to the infidels! We shall have Dire Revenge™!"

Posted by: Anonymoose 2007-11-15