
Abbas urges Palestinians to oust Hamas from Gaza
Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Thursday called on the people of the Gaza Strip to topple the Islamist Hamas movement that seized power there in June from his secular Fatah group. “We must get rid of this clique that took control of the Gaza Strip by force and which is exploiting the suffering and tragedies of our people,” he said in a speech in Ramallah marking the 19th anniversary of the symbolic declaration of a Palestinian state.

Abbas denounced what he called “criminal acts by lawless gangs in Gaza where they opened fire in cold blood on crowds commemorating the third anniversary of the death of the martyr Yasser Arafat.”Eight people were killed in Gaza City on Monday when Hamas police opened fire as demonstrators dispersed after a mass rally to remember the late Palestinian leader who died in a Paris hospital on November 11, 2004. Abbas denounced mass arrests by Hamas after the demonstration, saying they showed “the confusion and isolation of the Islamists in the Gaza Strip.”

Posted by: Fred 2007-11-16