
Indonesian 'Tree Man' has experts baffled
AN Indonesian man known as "Tree Man" - because of incredibly long warts on his hands and feet that resemble tree roots - is still baffling many experts about the cause of his condition.

After cutting his knee as a teenager, 35-year-old Dede now has “warty roots” coming out of his arms and legs in what was believed to be a life-threatening condition.

The UK’s Telegraph newspaper reported that Dede’s wife left him and he was sacked from his job because of the condition.

But the newspaper reported that a US expert now believes that Dede may be cured from the condition.

The University of Maryland’s Dr Anthony Gaspari said that the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) was the cause of the condition and that a course of synthetic Vitamin A should clear the problem up.

A Discovery Channel documentary on Dede has premiered in the UK.

It is not yet known how many people watched the feature.

Video at link or click HERE
Posted by: Oztralian 2007-11-15