
Wash Times sez Nepal is toast
  • The organizational capability of the Maoists in terms of propaganda, recruiting, training and deploying cadres for military, ideological, propaganda and intelligence work — floating around the villages as a "fish in the ocean" — appears to be effective. The Royal Nepalese Army's failure to find and destroy guerrilla hideouts or arrest the main leaders of the movement testifies to this. As a result, the central government has lost its tenuous hold on the rural areas.

    The Maoist insurgency did not emerge in a vacuum. The government's crackdown on the rebels does not address the root of the problem — the fact that in the past 10 years, Nepal has become a country of endemic corruption, ruled by public-money embezzlers, foreign-aid cheaters, drug traffickers, organized crime and thugs.
    One suspects that proximity to China might also have something to do with the Maoists' successes. There aren't an awful lot of Maoist rebellions popping up in other places, and none as successful as Nepal's is increasingly appearing. It's a valid point, though, that the Nepali government has a lot of act to clean up, which they'll have to do while pursuing the war. That's not something that's been successfully done too many other places. In fact, I can't think of any offhand...
    It's worth pointing out that Peru isn't near China, but had severe problems with the Maoist rebels of the Shining Path until Fujimori finally broke their back. Mao's political/economic philosophies were horrific, but he demonstrably knew how to win a guerrilla war, and any guerrilla is wise to at least study his military tactics.
    Posted by Gary Farber [www.amygdalagf.blogspot.com] 3/3/2002 12:44:32 PM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-03
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2076