
Porn wants to say hello to the troops
  • The Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, which distributes broadcast programming to American military personnel worldwide, is considering whether to broadcast greetings to the troops from the pornography industry. Several purveyors of adult entertainment want to use the AFRTS to deliver their messages to the troops.
    Several thousand years ago, when I was a young fellow in Vietnam, we had some very happy times waiting for somebody's Playboy to arrive. One fellow was lucky enough to get on somebody's hardcore list, and that occasioned even more gleeful anticipation. It won't hurt today's young fellows' morals to get the occasional radio greeting from Mandy Doublejoint or Lisa Largebosom. AFRTS has a responsibility for its content, but I'd hate to see the Professionally Virtuous, whether Jerry Falwell or NOW, succeed in keeping young men with normal hormone levels from the Perils of Sin. At their average age, they're worried about not getting enough sin.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-01-29
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=208