
IVs for Club Fed hungerstrikers
  • Authorities intervened medically for the first time in a two-day-old hunger strike by Afghan war detainees at a US Navy base in Cuba, putting four dehydrated inmates on intravenous liquids. 73 detainees refused breakfast Friday morning, a sharp decline from Thursday but still a significant proportion of the population at "Camp X-Ray," the detention facility at the base. The number refusing food went up to 75 at lunch.

    "A total of four today received just basic IV treatment for being dehydrated," said Marine Major Steve Cox.
    Dull IV needles can really hurt, especially when the tech can't (for some reason) find the vein first or second... or twelfth try.
    "Yes, sir?"
    "Number 48's not getting enough nutrition. Drop another burger into his IV bag!"
    "No pickles this time, though!"
    Don't forget the Foley catheters and rectal tubes, put in by women, of course.
    Posted by Anonymous 3/10/2002 3:37:35 PM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-03
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2081