
Yemen to get coast guard boats
  • The United States will supply Yemen with coast guard boats and help build a training facility to bolster security along its coastline, a security official said Saturday. U.S. forces will train 2,000 Yemeni military personnel at a coast guard training center to be built in Aden. Yemen needs 250 boats to protect military and commercial ships, including oil tankers, along its 1,490-mile coastline on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
    I'm still flabbergasted. I thought Yemen would be the last place on earth to cozy up to the USA.
    I think the State Department sent them copies of "Blackhawk Down" and told them that there wasn't going to be any realistic reruns of that original. State then asked, "Do you want to be the next Oman or the next Somalia?"
    Posted by Tom Roberts 3/4/2002 9:36:09 AM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-03
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2082