
Babs: "Sad Day for Artistic Freedom"
Hat tip: Drudge. Edited for brevity.
I am deeply disappointed that CBS, the network that in 1964 gave me complete artistic control in creating television specials, now caved in to right wing Republican pressure to cancel the network broadcast of the movie The Reagans. (And I say MOVIE - because this is NOT a documentary - it’s a television drama.) The movie will now be aired on Showtime, where the difference in viewership is in the millions.
"Of course, in making this fictional drama we feel perfectly within our rights to use real names and real events and skew them wildly so you’ll think the people portrayed are bigoted, corrupt, and evil."
This is censorship, pure and simple. Well, maybe not all that pure. Censorship never is. Due to their experience with the restrictive English government, the framers of our constitution specifically included a ban on prior restraint in the First Amendment, which is an attempt to stop information from getting out there before the public has a chance to see it at all - exactly what is going on in this case.
Um, no, censorship is when the government suppresses your speech. This is a marketing decision by a private company (CBS). I guess those nuances escape you, Babs.
Of course, CBS as a company has the legal right to make decisions about what they do and do not air. However, these important decisions should be based on artistic integrity rather than an attempt to appease a small group of vocal dissidents. Indeed, today marks a sad day for artistic freedom - one of the most important elements of an open and democratic society.
I guess "artistic integrity" requires attacking the integrity of a great man. Sorry! Lose a turn.
Posted by: Dar 2003-11-05