
Jellyfish attack wipes out North Ireland salmon farm
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Jellyfish wiped out Northern Ireland's only salmon farm, with more than 1 million pounds' ($2.06 million) worth of stock massacred in the attack.
I blame Darth Cheney
The jellyfish, covering an area of around 10 square miles , engulfed the Northern Salmon Company's cages off the province's northeastern coast, suffocating 100,000 fish, the firm's Managing Director, John Russell, told Reuters on Thursday.
Ahhh... suffocation! It must have been Joooooos!
"It was sheer devastation -- I've been 30 years in the salmon industry and I've never seen anything like it," Russell said.
That's because you have never been up against the US 'War On Salmon™'
Staff on their way to give the fish their morning feed noticed a "reddish-brown tinge" to the sea and then realized the boats were struggling to make headway through an expanse of jellyfish up to 35 feet deep, Russell said.
Halburton hasn't been able to make our jellyfish invisible yet
"A few hours later all our salmon were dead, the bulk of them suffocated."
Bwa ha ha ha ha
The attack, by a type of jellyfish known as a "mauve stinger", happened late last week off the coast of County Antrim, an area popular with tourists.
This was just a test run
The mauve stinger, noted for its purplish night-time glow, is more commonly found in warmer Mediterranean waters.
Global warming...
Russell said the occurrence, when jellyfish "bloom" in such quantities, only happened every decade or so and last week's appearance off the Irish coast was also due to unusual environmental factors including higher-than-normal water temperatures.
Alert Al Gore! Stat! If he comes, then it will snow and the 'jellyfish-with-lasers-mounted-on-their- heads will retreat in frustration and dispair...
Posted by: Free Radical 2007-11-24