
Israelis kill 16 Palestinians
  • Israeli troops swept back into Palestinian refugee camps in a new crackdown in which at least 16 Palestinians including women, children and a doctor as well as militants were killed. The operations followed a security cabinet decision to step up the military pressure after 22 Israelis were killed at the weekend.

    In the deadliest operation, the wife of a Hamas official and five children were killed when Israeli tanks fired at two cars in Al-Amari in Ramallah. Officials of Hamas alleged a botched assassination bid against Hussein Abu Qweik and swore revenge. The cars were fired on from an army base in Psagot, killing Abu Qweik's 32-year-old wife Bushra, as well as his three children. Two people in the other car also died. "The Palestinian people and Hamas' armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, will avenge my slain family," Qweik said as he headed a march of some 500 Hamas supporters.

    The army later offered an apology, saying it was aiming at a carload of Palestinian policeman and missed, and denying an assassination attempt.
    Oops. Sorry. My fault.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-04
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2092