
Moderators note: off-topic posts
We're getting more and more posts that are off-topic to the purpose of Rantburg. This post is to remind us all of what that purpose is, and what's off-topic.

Rantburg is about the war on terror: America's need to fight and win that war, what our allies and enemies are doing, who the terrorists are, and how they fight. Whatever is germane to the WoT is on-topic at Rantburg. That includes the nitty-gritty, day-in and out details of terrorist attacks, battles and crossfires encounters, but also includes the politics, background, strategy, new weapons and tactics, and areas related to the WoT.

Certain areas of the world aren't necessarily involved in the WoT but have potential to do so if they go bad, and so places like Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka and Venezuela are of interest to us.

We've traditionally had certain allowed off-topic genres of posts. Those are listed in the topic headers. We generally cover the elections but try to do this from the standpoint of what the candidates say and mean about the WoT. We have a fair number of humorous posts about the various idiots and idiotic situations in the world -- all work and no fun make us dull, after all, and they're opportunities for snark. Britney, Paris and the like are germane because they show us what the MSM considers to be news.

Snarky animal antics are always welcome.

But there are things we're getting that are really off-topic. Science news unrelated to the WoT shouldn't be here, even if it's cool. Politics, particularly local politics, unrelated to the WoT shouldn't be here. Cultural stories and critiques are not germane unless they illustrate a problem with our (e.g., western) society in defending itself from the assault on our liberties.

We're getting over 100 posts a day on average. We're in danger of diluting the hard-core WoT news in favor of the fluff. So please, if it's not on-topic and not an opportunity for truly outstanding snark, consider not posting it to the Burg. Whether it's 40, or 60, or 110 posts a day, what matters is how we cover the WoT, the quality of the posts, the comments, and of course the snark.

If you're new to the Burg, please read us a while and then go ahead and post using the Poster web-page. You'll see what we like and what generates interesting comments. And please observe the posting guidelines.

Thanks again for all your support.
Posted by: Steve White 2007-11-28