
UN Hariri commission may have located elbow, hot on trail of ...
A U.N. inquiry has made progress in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, closely examining the possibility that two or more teams may have carried out the attack, the chief investigator said Wednesday. While not identifying anyone, Belgian prosecutor Serge Brammertz said in his final report to the Security Council that progress by the U.N. International Independent Investigation Commission has led to the identification of new "persons of interest" and other new leads.

"The commission has also deepened and broadened its understanding of the possible involvement of a number of persons of interest, including persons who have recently been identified by the commission, who may have been involved in some aspects of the preparation and commission of the crime or who may have known that a plan to carry out the crime was being prepared," Brammertz said.

Brammertz said the commission also confirmed its hypothesis that "operational links may exist" between the perpetrators of 18 other targeted assassinations and bombings in Lebanon, adding that confirming these links and establishing new links will also be a priority in the near future.
Posted by: Seafarious 2007-11-29