
An interview with General Hamid Gul
  • Former Director General of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-Gen (Retd) Hamid Gul has underlined the need for an alliance of former communists and the Islamists from within the country against what he termed the "global imperialist coalition".
    Commies and fundos. Yep. That's a natural alliance. Wonder why it didn't work in Afghanistan? I'll have to ask Najibullah... Oh. The fundos hanged him, didn't they? After they castrated him.

    He also expressed his reservations about the events of Basant and Valentine Day celebrated by Lahorites during the proceeding month.
    Hell, yeah. That Valentine's Day is definitely subversive to a good Islamic way of life. Allah forbid you should ever like somebody and telling them so's even worse.

    Hamid Gul was of the view that the imperialists led by the US are all set to eliminate the Islamists and the remnants of communists to establish their hegemony in the world. "The imperialist forces are spreading their tentacles through their agents in various countries to engulf the entire world", he added.
    Yup. We've been subverting everybody we could find for years. Why, just look what we've done to Russia. Poor commies never had a chance. Oh, and the Germans - boy, didn't we do them in? You oughta get the Nazis in that alliance you've got going... Oh. You already have.

    The Islamists and the socialists, therefore, should make a common cause against them, at least in Pakistan, to contain their influence, Gul stressed, adding global imperialism, based on exploitation, was the greatest danger to humanity. When asked about the impossibility of formation of such an alliance, he said that nothing is impossible in this world, saying if the forces opposed to imperialism do not get united now, they would have to live under terms and conditions dictated by the imperialist world.
    "Global imperialism" is a much greater danger to humanity than beating women for showing an ankle. And cutting people's heads off, and their hands and feet. And killing people for sharing bodily fluids. Oh, and let us not forget the homely practice of slaughtering large numbers of people who don't wear the right style turbans. Yeah, that's much better than living under some sort of Global Imperialism. Just ask Noam.

    Talking about security threats to the country, Hamid Gul said that many fronts have been opened against Pakistan at the moment as certain powers are not happy with us due to our nuclear programme and Islamic ideology of the country. He said that Pakistan has the distinction of being the only Islamic country with nuclear capability.
    And that nuclear capability's done wonders for the country, hasn't it? It's put groceries on the table, lowered infant mortality, increased literacy, and made Pakland beloved and respected throughout the world. Pakland has made the leap from a pissant third-world hellhole to prosperity and respectability.

    Gul apprehended that presently ideology of Pakistan is in danger as foreign powers are bent upon to divide the nation on sectarian and ethnic grounds. They are also exerting pressure on the military government to secularise the society . A negative campaign is being launched against our ideology which must be nipped in the bud.
    Secularism will flat kill a society. Everybody knows that. Give people individual liberty and next thing you know they're not wearing turbans. They shave. They send each other valentines. They buy their wives flowers and stop beating them. Next thing you know, they only pray when they feel like it, and they stop giving their money to "holy men" and piss it away on beer.

    He said that foreign powers would first divide us and then strike as they did in case of Afghanistan where they divided Afghans and then attacked them with the help of Northern Alliance.
    Seems the Afghans did a fine job of dividing themselves, though they did have a little help from General Gul and the ISI.

    About the current political situation in the country, Hamid Gul said that the idea of restoring real democracy in the country would not be materialised unless the Parliament is made powerful. "Empowerment of people is not possible without empowerment of the Parliament", he categorically said, adding it (the Parliament) must not be under the shadow of any 'troika' as is being talked about in government circles.
    That's right. Only a parliament full of pious, god-fearing holy men, with turbans, mind you, will enable real democracy in Pakland.

    The former general stressed the need of streamlining election rules which, he said, should be applied uniformally [sic] to make way for the right people to come and contest elections.
    Right. If you have a turban, you can stand for office and get elected. If you don't, you won't. That's pretty streamlined.

    Commenting on the defeat of Bhartia Janta Party (BJP) in state elections, he said that the ruling party lost elections owing to the alliance of its Brahman leadership with imperialist forces led by the US. Only those parties in Indian state elections have emerged victorious which represent the oppressed classes, he maintained. He said that the same would happen in the forthcoming elections in Pakistan if they are transparent. The people of Pakistan hate America and they would vote for those who resented the US intervention in Afghanistan after September 11 incident, he added.
    Y'know, I've been getting the feeling for some time that the people of Pakistan hate America. Kinda came to a head, so to speak, when Daniel Pearl lost his. And y'know what? I'm not feeling real fond of a Pakistan that has people like General Gul anywhere close to positions of power. So if a Pak Taliban comes to power and the USA decides to root them out and kill them, I'm all for it.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-04
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