
Musharraf not a legitimate president: Nawaz
Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday dismissed Pervez Musharraf’s presidency as “illegitimate”, saying the Supreme Court bench Musharraf purged to ensure a second term should be restored to rule on his election.

Hours after Musharraf was again sworn in as president, this time as a civilian, Nawaz demanded he end emergency rule and release opponents jailed after the November 3 crackdown. “Under the circumstances, we do not accept him as a legitimate president,” said Nawaz, adding that the judiciary of November 2 must be restored. “That judiciary was thrown out by Musharraf just for personal reasons,” he said in an interview with Reuters at his home. “Whatever decision that judiciary gives [on his re-election]...that would be a decision which would carry legitimacy and credibility.”

Nawaz said his arch rival, Pakistan People’s Party Chairwoman Benazir Bhutto would have to join the polls boycott for it to work.

To a question about the acceptance of his nomination papers, he said, “If they’ve already decided to turn down my papers, then I can do nothing. There are no courts where I can go to, there is no judiciary which can address my grievances.”
Posted by: Fred 2007-11-30