
Aoun backs Suleiman as Lebanese president
Lebanon's top Christian opposition leader said Thursday he will back the army chief as a compromise president, increasing the chances for a deal to end Lebanon's political deadlock. The backing by Michel Aoun brings Gen. Michel Suleiman a step closer to the nation's top post, which has been vacant since President Emile Lahoud left office last week without a successor because of feuding between parliamentary blocs.

Failing to elect a president left Lebanon in a leadership vacuum not seen since the civil war, when rival governments ran the country in 1988-89. For the last few days, there has been heavy army presence throughout the country amid fear of possible clashes between pro and anti-government groups. Suleiman is seen as a neutral figure in a country where nearly every politician is considered to be either in the pro- or anti-Syrian camp.

A deal is not yet done, however. Aside from Aoun, the opposition, led by Syrian and Iranian ally Hezbollah, has not announced its stance on Suleiman, although he is respected among its leadership. The United States, which backs the government of Prime Minister Fuad Saniora, has in the past pressed to end Syria's influence in Lebanon. Syria's allies in Lebanon, in turn, have accused Saniora of selling out the country to the Americans.

For Suleiman to be elected, the parliament will have to amend the constitution that prevents senior state employees, including army commanders, from running for the post while in office. "It is a great honor for the military that its commander be a candidate," Aoun, himself a former army chief, said after his bloc met. "We hope that after removing the constitutional hurdles Gen. Suleiman will be our candidate," he said.
Posted by: Fred 2007-11-30