
Abbas: Annapolis was start of historic opportunity to end Israeli occupation
Ma'an – Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday reiterated that the Annapolis conference was the start of a historic opportunity to end the Israeli occupation of the Arab territories, including east Jerusalem.

He also said there should be an agreement on a just solution for the question of refugees, based on UN resolution 194, in addition to securing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital.

In a speech,delivered on behalf of Abbas by the secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's Executive Committee, Yaser Abed Rabbo, at the UN in New York, on the occasion of Palestinian solidarity day, he said, "Our people are looking forward with great hopes towards the future. They insist on adhering to their rights and they are confident that the international community will not let that opportunity pass by to end the Arab-Israeli conflict starting with the core of the conflict which is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict."

Posted by: Fred 2007-11-30