
Ehsan Jami taking up where Hirsi Ali left off in the Netherlands
Controversial politician Ehsan Jami may move to a home on the Prins Bernhardlaan in Voorburg. The municipality of Leidschendam-Voorburg decided this on Friday after consultation with housing corporation WoonInvest.

Neighbourhood residents had sent a letter to the municipality this week protesting Jami's move to the area. The residents say they have nothing against the municipal council member, but are concerned about the safety of the neighbourhood. The municipality responded that it understood their concerns, but that these did not constitute enough grounds to ban Jami's move to the neighbourhood. At the request of the National Anti-terrorism Coordinator (NCTb), an apartment is being converted into a safe house for the politician.

Jami is controversial because of his statements about Islam. He published an opinion piece in the Volkskrant with Geert Wilders, for instance, in which they drew a comparison between the prophet Mohammed and Adolf Hitler.

The politician was assaulted by two men in his hometown in early August. He went into hiding temporarily after the attack. At the end of October the Labour PvdA expelled Jami as a party member. Since then he has continued as a one-man faction on the municipal council of Leidschendam-Voorburg.


Ehsan Jami, founder of the Committee for Former Muslims, has followed Ayaan Hirsi Ali's example and made a short film about radical Islam, the Telegraaf reports. The film entitled The life of Mohammed should be ready in February or March of next year and will cause more of a commotion than the Danish cartoons of Mohammed, the former Labour PvdA member says.

"I show how violent and tyrannical Mohammed was. This man murdered three Jewish tribes, killed people who left the faith, and married a 6-year-old girl, with whom he had sex when she was 9," Jami says in comment on the contents of the 10-minute film. The politician, who is still under heavy protection, says the film only shows the facts and does not aim to polarise the situation. "I will give EUR 50,000 to anyone who can refute these facts." Jami says that the film "is a small step for a man, but a big step for humanity and freedom."

The television station that plans to broadcast the film will not be announced until the last moment. News programme Netwerk has had contact with Jami for some time and has shown interest. The programme will wait until the film is finished before deciding if and how to broadcast it however. Jami says he has also had contact with CNN, which may decide to air highlights from the film.
Of course, CNN will insist on having Jami answer questions submitted by CAIR and the Arab League asked by a YouTube video of a snowman dressed up as Bin Laden.
Posted by: ryuge 2007-11-30