
Kuntar not to be released in prisoner swap
JPost Reg Req’d - EFL
Smadar Haran, whose family was massacred by terroris Samir Kuntar, said on Army Radio Tuesday morning that she refuses to entertain thoughts on the release of her family’s murderer. "I refuse to be another piece of red meat thrown into the gladiator ring by Nasrallah so that he can enjoy the continuing circus of bereaved families he has set against each other."
sounds like she’s got her priorities right
Hizbullah’s demand for the inclusion in any prisoners’ exchange deal of Lebanese Druse terrorist Samir Kuntar has put in doubt the expected prisoner exchange and has drawn a steadfast response from Israeli officials, who maintain that terrorists with Israeli blood on their hands, such as Kuntar, will not be part of the deal. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon reiterated to the Likud faction on Monday that Kuntar will not be released from jail as part of the prisoner exchange. Asked by MK Ehud Yatom why Kuntar was not mentioned specifically in the government’s decision, Sharon said, "We agreed a long time ago that Kuntar would not be released."
Ever. I hope.
Sharon said there is still no target date for the prisoners to return home, but mediator Ilan Biran will soon return to Germany to finalize the plan and decide on a date. Asked about why Azzam Azzam wasn’t included in the deal, Sharon said that no Egyptian prisoners will be released for that very reason. The Hizbullah are adamant that there would be no prisoner exchange deal with Israel if Kuntar, who headed the four-man Palestine Liberation Front squad on the murderous attack in Nahariya 24 years ago, is not included.
Tough bananas. It was a stoopid idea anyway...
Bassam Kuntar, the brother of Samir Kuntar, claims Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has personally promised him that his brother was an integral part of the exchange, according to Al Jazeera. Hizbullah officials also claimed that they have a letter from Israel pledging to include Kuntar in future prisoner swap deals. Foreign Minister Shalom has not directly reacted to the report on the letter.
Nasrallah promised something he can’t deliver...and of course we can’t let him be humiliated
But Shalom has responsed to Hizbullah’s demand for Kuntar’s release that Israel too had "red lines" it would not cross. "Prime Minister Sharon said that Kuntar’s release is out of the question. The murder of a family in Israel is unforgivable. I oppose his release. We have stated in the clearest possible terms throughout the negotiations that Kuntar is not on the list," Shalom said. "I hope the other side understands that there are limits to the demands they place on us. We have not agreed to release any nationals with blood on their hands," the Foreign Minister added. By a vote of 12-11, Sharon was able to pass a resolution laying down the principles of the prisoner swap with Hizbullah. The issue of Kuntar resurfaced after Nasrallah made clear that there would be no deal without Kuntar.
then no deal - don’t let this asshole dictate terms
In Lebanon, Hizbullah officials did not formally respond to the Israeli cabinet’s decision to proceed with the prisoner exchange deal. However, Hizbullah officials did threaten to engage in yet more criminal activity kidnap more Israelis if the deal collapses. Mohammed Fneish, a Hizbullah legislator, "If the pressure cards we have ... are not sufficient to convince the Israeli enemy’s government to respect the freedom of our detainees ..., the Hizbullah command will definitely search for means to force the Israeli enemy’s government to release our detainees," he told Al Manar TV. On Saturday Nasrallah confirmed an earlier Hizbullah report in Friday’s edition of the Lebanese A-Safir daily newspaper in which sources said that the Shiite group would call off the exchange if Kuntar is not included. "Any swap that excludes any of the Lebanese detainees will not be acceptable to us and will not happen," Nasrallah said during a Hizbullah-hosted Ramadan fast-breaking meal at sunset Saturday. "I say to the (Israeli) enemy government ... that the first name on the list must be Samir Kantar."
If they spring him, they're stoopid, and they'll deserve what happens next...
According to Israel Army Radio, the Lebanese sources said "Israel’s refusal [to release Kuntar] endangers the entire deal since it contradicts the terms of the agreement, which calls for the release of all Lebanese prisoners." Samir Kuntar led the terrorists who infiltrated Israeli territory from Lebanon in April 1979 in a rubber dinghy and beached their boat in Nahariya. Their aim was to take hostages to delay implementation of the then Camp David accords between Israel and Egypt and demand the release of prisoners held by Israel. Danny Hadan, 28, and his daughters Einat, four, and Yael, just two, were killed in the attack along with policeman Eliyahu Shahar, who was called to what was originally thought to be a burglary and was shot dead by one of the terrorists.
another military victory by the Islamic heroes!
Shahar’s widow, Shula, who brought up their three children alone, has come out strongly against the release of Kuntar as part of any exchange deal. She was 22 and seven months pregnant with their third child when her husband was killed. Their son, Yakir, who was born two months after the killing of his father after whom he is named, is due to be married in two weeks time.
Posted by: Frank G 2003-11-11