
Extremists Decry Saudis' Reform Moves
A new child's textbook has sketches of boys and girls together — normal classroom fare in many countries but criticized by extremists here as a government scheme to teach children to rebel against the precepts of Islam. One Islamic Web site, in attacking the book, displayed a drawing of girls in a classroom and declared: "To show this to male students is a problem. ... A boy could remove it at every opportunity he has, kiss it and return it to his desk's drawer."
Hell, yeah. That's what I always used to do when I was in first grade. I always made it a point to kiss Jane below the waist, too...
As Saudi Arabia moves cautiously to reform its religious establishment, education and media, extremists are saying even these small steps go too far and will corrupt the birthplace of Islam — an argument like those Osama bin Laden uses to justify his demand for the Saudi regime's fall.
If little boys kiss pictures of little girls in the classroom, probably the place is already corrupted beyond repair...
The extremists argue that material like the textbook reflects an effort by Saudi Arabia's rulers encourage children to rebel against the strict segregation of the sexes enforced by the religious establishment. Resistance to change is not new — since King Abdul-Aziz Al Saud established the kingdom in the 1930s, the ruling family has had to contend with conservatives who objected to each step toward modernization. Even so, the government gradually introduced the telegram, radio, cars, girls' schools and satellite television.
In, I believe, 1963 they even officially abolished slavery...
But now, increasing violence — most recently Saturday's car bomb attack on a housing compound for expatriate Arabs that left 17 dead and scores wounded — has brought home to the Al Sauds that time is not on their side. The royal family faces four staggering problems:
  • It must liberalize its ailing economy, which means more, not less, contact with the West.

  • It must satisfy many Saudis' desire for greater freedom and more say in politics.

  • And it must tame the radical religious elements so the royal family's role as guardian of Islam's holy places will not be challenged.

  • Finally, it must battle violent extremists whom many people believe have been encouraged by the preachings of the religious establishment and its strict Wahhabi Muslim philosophy.
"The state is in trouble now," said Abdulaziz al-Gasim, a reformist lawyer. "It was the one that created Wahhabism and Wahhabism is what's strangling it now. It's strangling it because the state wants to fight al-Qaida."
"Dr. Frankenstein, call your office!"
In a sign of how serious the royal family is taking the need for change, a working advisory group made up of prominent decision-makers has been formed to push the reforms at a faster pace, according to a senior Saudi official. It is basing its priorities on secret studies the government conducted with the help of university professors, the official added. At the same time — under pressure — the religious establishment is moving toward reform. It has put in place new restrictions on Islamic charities to ensure donations do not end up funding terror. And many senior clerics are speaking out against terrorism and extremism.
Though not in favor of people who're descended from monkeys and pigs...
Tawfeeq al-Sediry, deputy Islamic Affairs minister, told The Associated Press that most mosque preachers will be re-educated to ensure they spread a moderate message. "We noticed in the past few years some deviation from this (moderate) trend by some people influenced by some extremist schools of thought," said al-Sediry. "This is among the things that are being corrected."
"Some deviation"? Mount Vesuvius did some damage to Pompeii.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-11