
The New Iraq Will Be 'the Beacon of Freedom, Democracy"
From MEMRI...
Ahmad Al-Jarallah, Editor-in-Chief of the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa, harshly criticized Arab regimes who refused to recognize the Iraqi Governing Council. The following are excerpts from his article:
The new free Iraq regained – through its transitional administration – its seat in the U.N. and in OPEC, and [was given] representation in the Arab League. The rehabilitation of Iraq continues also in the rest of the international organizations, and Iraq intends to become again an active member of the international community. The new Iraq is moving ahead towards its goals despite the obstacles [created] by the terrorists and their murderous acts. It is making progress towards completing the foundations of an exemplary country that will be the beacon of freedom, democracy, and respect to human rights in [our] Middle East, which looks more like a wasteland dominated by the silence of a graveyard. A Middle East frozen like a glacier, full of Sultans sitting indefinitely on their seats of power, republics that are inherited [from father to son], and wilting exhausted regimes.
What lovely descriptive prose. I couldn't have written it better myself...
Despite all that, we see the heads of the regime in the Arab world, a regime
 that has completely lost its authority, and that belongs to [the category of] totalitarian and single-party regimes and [whose members] adhere to hollow ideologies that breed only terror, hatred, and repression — they are the ones who are refusing to recognize the transitional Governing Council in Iraq. These people wave [the claim] that the Governing Council is illegitimate, has not been elected, and was established by the U.S. government and the American occupation administration.
Resting securely in their own somewhat dubious hereditary legitimacy...
Such explanations are ridiculous and pitiful
 because these opponents [to the Governing Council], basically and fundamentally, lack legitimacy. They attained power by usurping it, and not through legitimate elections, and the only culture of those who, by and large, rode in tanks to rob the legitimate owners of their power, is the culture of murder and death.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-11