
Explosions rock Baghdad; Politician killed in Sadr City
EFL - usual mortar activity - read at the link, more importantly, a politician was killed in a confrontation with US troops in Sadr City
At least 10 explosions were heard Tuesday night in Baghdad, and smoke was rising from within the coalition’s heavily secured Green Zone, which includes most of the Coalition Provisional Authority’s activities. A CNN security adviser at a Baghdad hotel saw two impacts in the zone and smoke rise from them.

U.S. military officials said Tuesday that U.S. soldiers shot to death the chairman of Sadr City’s governing council during a heated argument this week. Sadr City is a largely Shiite neighborhood in the Iraqi capital, formerly known as Saddam City. Officials said the quarrel got under way Monday when the chairman, Mohannad Ghazi al-Kaabi, tried to park his car near the District Advisory Council building in an area closed to traffic. When U.S. troops tried to stop him, military officials said, he became agitated, got out of his car and began arguing with a soldier guarding the offices. Al Kaabi wrestled the soldier to the ground and grabbed his gun, according to the officials. Another soldier shot al Kaabi in the upper thigh, they said. A medic administered first aid to al Kaabi and transported him to a military medical facility, where he was pronounced dead.
Blew his femoral artery, I guess...
The death is under investigation, military officials said. About 200 to 300 demonstrators walked to the Sadr City council afterward to protest the killing and began chanting the predictable anti-American slogans. Carrying Shiite banners mourning the death, demonstrators called for a thorough investigation. They demanded that American troops leave Sadr City and give security duties to Iraqi police.
Arguing with armed troops? Took himself a little too seriously? Moqtada message here?
Posted by: Frank G 2003-11-11