
Al-Qaida Targeting Children, Saudi Family Doesn't Pass The Laugh Test
By Bruce Kennedy, Jihad Unspun
Bruce Kennedy? That's a good Muslim name...
To think that the US, and the Saudi royal family for that matter, would believe that Muslims would actually buy their spin that Al-Qaida would target an affluent, residential neighborhood in Riyadh, full of children while parents where participating in festivities during the holy month of Ramadhan is beyond comprehension. This latest “Al-Qaida” accusation comes at a time when George W Bush is failing miserably in the reelection poles [sic] and his only hope is to please his Israeli masters and as the Saudi royals are desperate to maintain their dwindling oil contracts and likewise dwindling relationship with America which their fragile economy depends on.
Oh. Well. That explains it. Couldn't have happened...
"The mentality of Mujahideen and the literature of the Al-Qaida and related parties is very clear. There is no way they would attack Muslims unless they are collateral damage" the London-based Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (Mira) spokesman Saad al-Faaqih said.
"Lies! All lies! A base calumny!"
The very nature of the target would never be considered by a Mujahideen group due to high risk of collateral damage and there isn’t a Muslim anywhere who will buy the headlines that are running rampant in western press.
Well, maybe a few in Soddy Arabia...
For some of us who are close to the daily news we saw the whole thing coming. First there were the so-called international alerts sounded by the US of course, just a few days prior to the bombing that then came coincidentally just one day after the United States closed its missions in the Kingdom for security review. Out to lunch I guess. This fuels the fear and gets the populous [sic] ready for the impending “incident” and has been a repetitive maneuver.
Just like all the previous false alarms did...
CNN broke the story and claimed 100 were killed or injured “mostly children” and then flashed pictures of hurt children under the headline “Al-Qaeda” just to add to the effect. Rarely does CNN show graphic shots (and never of US casualties) unless of course it adds to the drama. As the news report came in, the “facts” where changing moment by moment. Of the final toll, 11 dead and over 122 wounded (many children), almost all were Arabs, including four Egyptians and four Lebanese who were among those killed. The Saudi Interior ministry listed just four Americans and six Canadians among the wounded, and all of those were of Arab descent. The complex housed Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians. Hmm.
See? No way Qaeda could have done it...
The fact remains that this flurry of recent attacks indicates that someone is intent on destabilizing Saudi Arabia so the question is who has the most to benefit and the capability of perpetrating this kind of cold-blooded act? Well that is all too easy to answer. As we all know, the Iraq war was actually about oil, but not oil destined for the United States. Israel instigated the conflict in an attempt to gain access to Iraqi oil through the pipeline which runs from Iraq into Jordan and at one time continued on to Haifa and it is chomping at the bit for Saudi spoils too.
Well, by golly! He's right! It musta been them Jews! I'll bet they put on turbans and snuck into the country and just banged away!
And of course, Israel has a past and current history of murdering Palestinian children which they consider expendable so this is surely no concern when considering its overall gains. Israel has its sights set not just on Palestine but its other Arab neighbors also. Could it be that Saudi Arabia is next?
Yep. The IDF is probably headed for downtown Riyadh right this minute!
Sunday's headlines reading “Al-Qaida Losses Support In The Arab World” is hog wash and nothing more than another attempt to “divide and conquer”. The Arab world has long known the antics of the US and Israel and the Muslims didn’t even bother to read them. They were to busy making Ramadan supplications to Allah.
He's got a point about the Muslims not even bothering to read the news...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-11