
IAEA Says Iran produced plutonium
EFL JPost - what a difference a day makes?
A UN nuclear agency report said Iran produced small amounts of plutonium as part of covert nuclear activities. While finding "no evidence" that Tehran tried to make atomic arms, it said such efforts cannot be ruled out.

The significance of the plutonium extraction was unclear. The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency did not link it to weapons activity but it criticized Iran for not reporting its processing activities, listing it among dozens of cases where Tehran had covert programs in place.

"Neither the (processing) activities nor the separated plutonium had been previously reported to the agency," said the report, which was obtained by The Associated Press.

Plutonium can be used in nuclear weapons but it also has uses in peaceful programs to generate power — which is what Iran says is the sole purpose of its nuclear activities.

Meanwhile, a top Iranian official announced in Moscow that his country has suspended its enrichment of uranium and agreed to additional UN inspections of its nuclear facilities.

The 29-page report, prepared for a Nov. 20 meeting of the IAEA board of governors, praised Iran’s recent cooperation with the agency but also faulted the country for past concealment of its nuclear programs
A very small production of plutonium? Why would they do that and not produce more? BS meter pegging...need to re-zero it
Posted by: Frank G 2003-11-11