
WaPo gives two Islam Apologists some whining post- Teddy Bear incident
Sudan and Saudi Arabia: Who Speaks for Islam?

By John L. Esposito & John O. Voll

In a world in which Islamophobes blur the distinction between the barbaric acts of Muslim extremists and terrorists [a.k.a., average folks in most Moslem dominated countries] and the religion of Islam, two recent legal decisions in Sudan and Saudi Arabia will reinforce accusations that Islam is an intolerant religion....
blah.. blah..
All our futures depend upon an ability to agree upon a global ethic, based upon mutual understanding and respect, that transcends our religious and cultural differences. Whatever our differences, there can never be an acceptable excuse for injustice and intolerance in the name of our religions
[oh lord Kumbaya].
Both professors are bought and paid for by a Saudi billionaire's endowment

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Posted by: mhw 2007-12-03