
Yahoo Executives Spit on Returning POW
From Yahoo Australia and NX EFL
Jessica Lynch Book Fails to Excite on First Day
a little 19 year old girl survives a horrific ordeal at the hands of terrorists and Yahoo finds it in their hearts to write this headline?
Despite a media blitz, the biography of America’s best-known soldier from the Iraq war, Jessica Lynch, appeared unlikely on Tuesday to translate into big cash as the first day of sales fell short of expectations.
Whose expectations? Compared to what?
After days of magazine covers, TV movies, tabloid tales and television interviews, first-day sales of her authorized biography, "I Am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story," fell well short of other high-profile books like Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s memoir, which had buyers lining up around the block.
Are we are going to compare this widely discredited, already told, over-hyped, over-promoted story of a self-proclaimed non-hero — who admits that her only heroic feat was to survive — to similar celebrities, like Elizabeth Smart, or JonBenet Ramsey? Noooo...the measure will be Hillary Clinton, whose PR machine would have no doubt mobilized the party faithful to come forward and then prepositioned TV cameras to record the "excitement".
Not a copy had been sold by midday on Tuesday, Veterans Day, at a Barnes & Noble store on Chicago’s North Side, said an employee who declined to be identified. The store would not disclose how many of the books sold
The sample population...one store in the entire US.
On online bookseller Amazon.com, the book ranked 21st in sales, well short of top-selling novel "The Da Vinci Code" and the latest get-slim-quick fad, "The South Beach Diet."
Ok...so how many copies of these books did this same B&N Store sell in their first four hours after their release?
Public relations expert Lou Colasuonno, who handles celebrity crisis management, gave Lynch high marks for trying to dispel myths about her capture and rescue.
Now there’s a public relations expert that I want to hire. Debunk the myth that success of the book is based on and expect sales to skyrocket.
"She stood up and said she thought she had been used, that her story had been manipulated," Colasuonno said, referring to charges the Pentagon used the story of her rescue to bolster patriotic feelings during the war in Iraq.
All hit pieces predictably repeat the obligatory lie (discredited by the WP reporter who broke the story) that it was the Pentagon responsible for spreading the Rambo hype.

They just can’t stand the fact that the Jessica Lynch story provided a likeable war hero...even if her only heroic feat was to survive. They will do all they can to destroy it. If that means writing hit pieces against a 19 year old war POW, so be it. That Yahoo would highlight this shameful piece of reporting propaganda says volumes about the mean-spirited executives at Yahoo.
Posted by: B 2003-11-12