
Weasley Has Plan for Catching Bin Laden
Criticizing President Bush’s efforts, Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark says he would press Saudi Arabia to provide commandos to accompany U.S. troops in the hunt for Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaida leaders. Clark, a former four-star Army general, says although the Bush administration did the right thing by going after al-Qaida after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, it failed to finish the job it started.
Of course, according to Weasley, the WOT is already over.
"They still haven’t found Osama bin Laden. And every day, Americans live at risk because of this failure," Clark said in remarks prepared for delivery Wednesday. Clark campaign spokesman Matt Bennett outlined Clark’s speech and 3-point plan for capturing bin Laden hours before the candidate was to deliver the remarks at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. First, Clark said he would pressure Saudi Arabia to contribute to a joint U.S.-Saudi commando force to scour the Afghan-Pakistani border where bin Laden is thought to be hiding.
This would only drive them to their buddies in Pakistan. Hasn’t Weasel read history — Geronimo (who was famous for fleeing into Mexico) and all that?
Clark said since many of the leaders of al-Qaida come from Saudi Arabia and many of the attacks are aimed at targets in Saudi Arabia, the country has a vested interest in stepping up cooperation with the United States in capturing bin Laden. But instead of ferreting out al-Qaida, the Bush administration has focused its energy and resources on Iraq, Clark said.
Maybe because this is a war on Terrorists (in general) and not OBL in particular.
"They’ve downplayed more serious threats in other parts of the world," he said. "In fact, it’s been months since Mr. Bush has even mentioned Osama bin Laden. These days, the only name we hear is Saddam Hussein, and the only country we hear about is Iraq."
Perhaps because Iraq is now the main battlefield on the WOT..... (Would you have sent your army to S. America to fight WW II?)
Second, Clark proposed reassigning some of the intelligence specialists, linguists, and special operations forces now searching Iraq for weapons of mass destruction to the hunt for bin Laden.
Then, of course, the donks can claim there there are no WMD. No political agenda here... move along....
Third, he said the United States needs to repair relations with allies and friends.
Which we are doing. But without ’surrendering’ as Weasel would like.
"With his unilateral march into Iraq, President Bush has scorned many of our key allies, preventing the necessary cooperation to destroy al-Qaida," Clark said.
Posted by: CrazyFool 2003-11-12