
Al Qaeda Imports Lebanese Unit to Blast Riyadh`s Muhaya
DEBKA reporting, EFL:
The suicide bombing attack Saturday night November 9 that devastated Riyadh’s Muhaya compound and killed scores was the work of an al Qaeda Lebanese team , according to our intelligence and counter-terror sources. With this strike, Osama bin Laden’s Lebanese arm made its debut on the stage of international terror. DEBKAfile has been reporting for more than a year that the Islamic network had built up three concentrations in Lebanon – in Tripoli in the north, Beirut and the Palestinian Ein el-Hilweh refugee camp in the south. Pointers to a Lebanese hit-team accumulated in the hands of Saudi intelligence and American counter-terror agencies in the Middle East 48 hours before the suicide bombers struck the Riyadh compound. The group was reported to be made up of al Qaeda operatives, Lebanese nationals and their Palestinian recruits.
Paleos hitting Soddy targets? But... but... Paleoterrorism is different, right?
In our 10 November on this page, we revealed the presence of Al Qaeda’s Nigerian cells secreted into the kingdom among the swarms of pilgrims visiting Mecca for Ramadan. One such cell was thwarted in its attempt to bring off a terrorist attack in the Muslim holy city. The Lebanese unit succeeded in its mission in Riyadh, but the wave of Islamic terror may not be spent. Security forces in Riyadh, Jeddah and Mecca are braced for further assaults while a top terror alert was extended Monday, November 10, to the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, where the US embassy decided to temporarily suspend operations until the peril had passed. Al Qaeda’s targeting of al-Muhaya and its Arab population at first puzzled Saudi and foreign counter-terror authorities — until it was realized that many of the casualties were Lebanese Christians and the assailants Lebanese Muslims. The terrorist network had very pointedly opted to sow death inside a focus of Christian habitation in the Muslim kingdom on the Muslim feast of Ramadan.
Heard there were Lebanese victims, first I’ve heard that they were christian. Interesting, makes perfect sense, in a twisted islamic way, if true.
The same mind-set is behind the terror alert declared in Sudan Monday, November 10. Here, the Al Qaeda poses a threat not only to US diplomatic missions but to the peace talks between the Muslim government and the Christian rebels of the south. Notices appearing of late on al Qaeda-linked Websites call specifically for all possible action to abort Sudan’s conversion from “an Arab-Muslim state to a country ruled by Christians.”
"Got to stop those damm Christians and their plan for world domination. They started out as Jews, you know."

More on this subject, from the Globe and Mail, via Jihadwatch...
As details emerge about the victims of last weekend's bombing, many observers believe their profile made them targets for the suspected al-Qaeda attack. Ms. Jibran, like her husband whom she married in July of 2002, was Christian. According to Arabic-language news reports, they had also received documentation to move to Canada. Elias Bijjani, a Toronto-based member of the Lebanese Canadian Coordinating Council, said many of the couple's neighbours were also Lebanese Christians. He speculated al-Qaeda was targeting Christian Arabs, rather than Muslims.

And still more, also from Jihadwatch...
Daleel al-Mojahid, the Yahoo group that posted an early warning to Muslims to flee New York, Los Angeles, and Washington before an imminent al-Qaeda attack, is crowing about the terrorist attack in Saudi Arabia. Last night whoever runs the site posted this:
"alaah akbaar

"the mojahideen had struck the heart of a compound housing arab non-muslims
working for the CIA! the hit was a another slap on bush's face and more slaps
are coming to you face bush.

"this hit is not the hit that we issued a warning about this is a hit to start
cleaning up the dirty black stain of the CIA in the kinkdom.

"ofcourse you will here the saudi TV issue all kinds of false statments of who
was killed in the attack...i wonder why armitage is in saudi arabia meeting up
with the crown prince!! tell your american people who was there armitage!!

"alaah akbaar alaah akbaar and what is coming is greater."

Posted by: Steve 2003-11-12