
Anarchist gets reduced charge. WTF!
A college student charged with plotting to bomb Coast Guard and Army National Guard stations has pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of trying to obtain explosives. Under a plea agreement disclosed Tuesday, Paul Douglas Revak, 20, hopes to be home by Christmas, said his attorney Thomas W. Hillier II. "I don’t think Paul has a mean bone in his body. I think he was expressing his frustration with how the administration was dealing with the Iraq situation and got a little carried away," Hillier said.
So the ‘natural’ thing is to plan to bomb a U.S. installation?
Revak was arrested in June after investigators said he tried to get another student to help him bomb the Coast Guard station in Bellingham. He was also accused of talking about obtaining or making C-4 explosives and bombing other military installations: Whidbey Island Naval Air Station near Oak Harbor and the Washington Air National Guard and Army National Guard stations near Bellingham International Airport.
Sounds like a clear case of espionage if I ever seen one.
According to court papers, the Western Washington University student described himself as an anarchist and gave another student a "manifesto" in which he declared war against the government. He was arrested outside a department store after purchasing a pellet gun.
And with this pellet gun I will take over the government!
Federal agents later found camouflage hats, face paint, black gloves, a ski mask, a walkie-talkie and bolt cutters in his dormitory room, but no explosives, according to court documents.
Those were just for his sexual antics, not harm intended.
He could have faced up to life in prison if convicted of threatening to use a weapon of mass destruction and solicitation to commit a crime of violence.
Which is what the little brat deserves.
Except that regular bombs aren't "weapons of mass destruction."
Instead he pleaded guilty to attempted receipt of explosives, which carries a maximum prison term of 10 years. He likely will be sentenced to six months to a year and a half, Hillier said, which means he could be released as early as Dec. 5.
If the judge gives him this light sentence he should be disbarred.
"Mr. Revak is only 20, with no prior offenses. Most of what he did was just talk," assistant U.S. attorney Andrew Hamilton said. "We felt that he was culpable, but we had to look at all the factors and what would be the just result."
Is this guy for real? The guy had motive and (based on what he had in the dorm room) was planning to do something. Do we really need this guy walking around free? I say throw him in the darkest dankest hole we can find for the FULL 10 years. Better let the Coasties take him for a scenic cruise and give him the ole deep six. I am not kidding this guy obviously has some screws loose and does not need to be out writing manifestos. BTW: What are they teaching at his college? Terrorism 101?

We live in a strange and wonderful country. Sometimes it's a lot more strange than wonderful.

Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-11-12