
Woman killed for ‘honour’
A married woman was stabbed to death by her cousins for ‘honour’ in Hanjarwal police precincts here on Wednesday. The police duty officer said Razia (22), a resident of Amna Park, was married to his cousin Muhammad Ayub, which angered his other cousin Asgher Ali. He wanted to marry her himself.
But Muhammad was a first cousin, and Asgher was only a second cousin, so naturally Pop chose him...
Razia’s father Muhammad Mushtaq told the police he and his three brothers were living in a joint family system. “I married Razia to my nephew Muhammad Ayub, the son of Muhammad Anwar. Asgher was not happy with her marriage and he kidnapped Razia on October 25, and took her to Multan. However, he sent her back to us after a punchayat’s decision,” said Mushtaq.
The brazen hussy! Being abducted like that!
The police officer reported Ayub’s brother Mahmood Ahmed and his cousin Munir Ahmed believed Razia was not kidnapped by Asgher and that she willingly went with him.
"Yeah! You wuz askin' for it, wudn't you? Admit it!"
On the day of occurrence, they came to Razia’s home when her husband and father were on their jobs and argued with her. They became furious, stabbed her to death with a kitchen knife and fled. Razia’s body was sent for autopsy and the police registered a case against the accused on the complaint of her father.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-13