
U.S. to complete Iraqi military in 2004
Shiite Muslims are slated to comprise most of Iraq's new military, planned for completion in 2004. U.S. officials said Shiites comprise 60 percent of the recruits chosen to serve in Iraq's new army. More than 1,000 recruits have begun training by the Vinnell Corp. as part of a plan to create a 40,000-man military by 2006. Vinnell is a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman. The new Iraqi military will also have a largely Shiite officer corps, the officials said. They said that Sunnis, who represented the ruling minority under the regime of deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, will comprise 25 percent of the new military. Kurds will comprise 10 percent of the recruits.
That must tighten the Sunni turbans...
Officials said Vinnell has focused on training the first four battalions of the Iraqi military, planned for deployment in January 2004. About 60 percent of the recruits have military experience.
Not that that's worth much...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-13