
Iran deemed leading Turkish threat
I keep saying the Turks aren't foolish...
Turkey has deemed Iran as a leading military threat and a key element in Ankara's defense procurement policy. Turkish officials said the classification was determined in a review by the Turkish General Staff and Defense Ministry in planning defense procurement for 2004. The officials said the policy would seek to increase Turkish capabilities in air and missile defense as well as airborne surveillance.
Better concentrate on special ops, too...
Turkish Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul outlined Turkey's defense policy in an address to parliament's Budget Committee. Gonul told the panel on Tuesday that Iran has become a threat to Turkey. The minister cited Iran's efforts to export what he termed the Islamic revolution to such countries as Armenia and Azerbaijan. Gonul said Iran has tried to undermine Turkey's efforts to improve relations with the two Central Asian states.
Iran sees itself as the preeminent power in Central Asia on historical grounds, dating from when they used to fight it out with the Romans and the Byzantines over who got to control Armenia and Georgia. But a good part of Central Asia is Turkic-speaking, with a shared culture. A major power of the later 21st century could very well be a "Greater Turkestan".

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-13