
Chirac and Saddam, best of buds
Saddam Hussein moved around incessantly, even before the U.S. toppled him from power, his personal translator told Fox News. In his first interview with an American television network, Saddam’s translator Saman Abdul Majid told Fox that before the war, no one knew where the Iraqi dictator was sleeping on any given night.
Now coming up here is the money quote...
Majid told Fox that he considered French President Jacques Chirac a personal friend, saying he believes he and Chirac understand each other. He said Saddam was disappointed that Chirac didn’t defend him to a greater extent in the days before the war and the Iraqi dictator felt caught in the middle of a conflict between two superpowers.
Silly me, I thought Chirac was supposed to be OUR friend... I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!
Posted by: Damn_Proud_American 2003-11-13