
Abu Sayyaf Biggy named Sonny nabbed
  • An Abu Sayyaf leader has been captured and four members of the Muslim rebel group killed. Military intelligence operatives arrested Abu Sayyaf Commander Sonny Pingon Basilan. Villagers tipped off the authorities on Ping as he conducted "surveillance operations" on possible U.S. and Filipino military targets in the town of Lamitan. He is currently being investigated and interrogated. Ping has a one million-peso ($19,600) bounty on his head. The military said he is an aide to Abu Sayyaf Leader Abu Sabaya, who has reportedly fallen ill amid a massive pursuit operation.
    C'mon, don't give us that. Successful Mr. Bigs aren't named Sonny. They're named Fat Tony or Knuckles or Joey the Heater. "Sonny's" get bumped off at toll booths - everybody knows that. And there's poor Don Sabaya, deathly ill with the coppers and the infidels swarming over the island. Now he's gotta get up from his sick bed and go visit the undertaker that he made fun of back when his daughter got married, and the poor guy's gonna be scared to death, and then he's gonna see what's left of Sonny when the cops are done with him. "Don't let his Momma see him like dis," sez Don Sabaya. Heart-rending, simply heart-rending.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-06
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2119