
Tape Released Purporting to Be from Asshat Taliban Leader
EFL & And Buttloads of Fun!
Unidentified men on a motorbike handed Reuters an audio cassette on Thursday purporting to be of unemployed potentate supreme Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Patch Omar, two years to the day after his hardline regime fled Kabul. The recorded speech, which admonishes commanders who have given up the "jihad," or holy war against foreign troops in Afghanistan, was made in the last few weeks, said Mullah Abdul Sama, a spokesman for the ousted militia.
And here are just a few golden nuggets to pan...
"I am talking about faith and Islam among the commanders, about those who are not participating in the jihad," the speaker said. "I sacrificed my rule and all I had and if I can stand for my honor but becuase I am a worthless piece of crap and ran like a coward when the United States avenged the murder of 3000 citizens, why can’t you? If you can’t stand for your honor, it means your faith is weak. If you claim to among the faithful, why can’t you be ready for sacrifice? I have sacrificed everything."
Translation: I am not going to get myself killed. So, why don’t you guys suck it up, strap it on, and ....
"If you have strong faith and have strong honor you should stand up to protect your country becuase Allah know I am not about to do it myself! and your religion," the voice purporting to be Mr. Potato Head Omar said, speaking in the Pashto language spoken on the Afghan and Pakistani side of their common frontier.
...and he means every...
Muslim should ponder and awaken his honor and protect Islam and the Koran and, God-willing, if he dies, it will be a great success and if he lives then it will also be a victory."
Hmmm, let’s see: Die = Great Success ...I think we can arrange this.
Again we see here—as in other cases—the leaders admonishing their underlings to do what they do not have the courage to do themselves. On this point alone you would think these extremists would have reason for pause

It's also another case where "honor" is much more important than substantive accomplishment.

Posted by: Dragon Fly 2003-11-13