
The "black helicopter" crowd will love this one
James S. Robbins, "The Corner" @ National Review

Interesting article from U.S. News here discussing when Michael Whouley convinced John Kerry to tour Iowa in a helicopter (the "Kerry-copter") and saved his flagging campaign. Now Whouley is working for Hillary, and she's going to campaign in a helicopter. Is that all it takes? It's nothing new. LBJ used a helicopter, dubbed the "Johnson City Windmill" to spur his come from behind Senate win in 1948. He was copying New Jersey Republican Senator H. Alexander Smith who had used a campaign helicopter successfully in 1946. In the case of the "Hillacopter" I hear they are going to come in low into each town with loudspeakers blaring the "Ride of the Valkyries" . . .

If the Hillacopter encounters the Ron Paul Blimp, imagine the fun!
Posted by: Mike 2007-12-15