
Jumblatt urges quick elections , says void encourages terror
Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt warned on Monday that maintaining presidential void could encourage terror and urged the election of a new head of state as soon as possible. "Void doesn't benefit anybody. On the contrary it could form an environment friendly to terror and killing … so is it logical to maintain void pending a political agreement? This is illogical," Jumblatt wrote in an editorial to be published Tuesday by his party's weekly newspaper , al-Anbaa

Jumblatt stressed that the Lebanese people are "required today, more than ever before, to confirm their allegiance to the state … in line with the Taif accord … that protects the formula of power sharing."

That was an apparent rejection by the PSP leader to alleged plans by the Hezbollah-led opposition to topple the Taif accord which calls for sharing power equally between the Christians and the Muslims

Jumblatt said Army Commander Gen. Michel Suleiman is "a consensus candidate … he carried out significant efforts in safeguarding stability, combating terrorism at Nahr al-Bared, protecting the resistance and confronting Israel."
Posted by: Fred 2007-12-19