
It's time to wean S. Korea from US military dependence: Rumsfeld
The United States and South Korea agree the time has come, 50 years after the Korean War, for the economically vibrant Asian country to lessen its dependence on the American military, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Tuesday. "It is time for them to set a goal for becoming somewhat more self-reliant," Rumsfeld said during a question-and-answer session with several hundred US troops at Osan Air Base.
Goodbye, SKor. It's been real.
Banners lining the hangar where he spoke highlighted the immediacy of the North Korean military threat felt by 37,000 American troops stationed here and around the country. "Ready to Fight Tonight," read the banner of the 51st Fighter Wing. "Take the Fight North," read another. In an interview later, Rumsfeld told reporters he endorses President Roh Moo-hyun's vision of a South Korea that takes more responsibility for its own defense. "That's a correct direction," Rumsfeld said, noting that defense officials in Seoul reaffirmed to him Monday their plan to shift 10 military missions now performed by Americans to their own forces, including security in the border area with the North.
Fine idea. It's their country, as they keep reminding us.
Rumsfeld's comment also reflects his desire to see a major realignment of US forces in South Korea — a change that likely will result in a sizable troop reduction. The Pentagon believes as many as 12,000 of the 37,000 troops could be brought home, although Rumsfeld and others said the scope and timing of any troop cuts have not been decided.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-20