
Nooooooo. Not censure!
EFL & The Obvious
Seeking to avoid a rift with the United States, European nations discussed increasing censure of Iran over its past covert nuclear activities as they prepared for a key meeting of the U.N. atomic agency.
Oooohh, censure! Ouch! That hurts. Good idea. We should have done this to Iraq.
The United States had hoped that the 35-nation board of short-bus governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency would find Tehran in noncompliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty at its meeting, which opens Thursday.
Wishful thinking.
IAEA head idiot Mohamed ElBaradei also was unhappy with the lack of any stronger language in the European proposal, a diplomat familiar with his thinking said. Drawn up by France, Germany and one of Washington’s closest allies, Britain, the rough draft minimized nearly two decades of covert nuclear programs that the U.S. administration says point to an effort to develop nuclear weapons. Instead, it focused on positive steps taken by Iran over the past few weeks to deflect international suspicions, including suspending uranium enrichment and agreeing to inspections on demand by IAEA inspectors.
Positive steps to deflect suspicions.
Now that’s strong language. I think I can hear Iran dismantling the program as I type.

Posted by: Dragon Fly 2003-11-20