
Kirkuk car bomb blast kills three
A suicide bomb attack in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk has killed three people and injured at least six. The target was an office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party, whose leader Jalal Talabani heads the US-appointed Iraqi Governing Council. Witnesses said a car bomb set off a huge explosion that sent a cloud of black smoke into the air.
Ansar? It’s their area of operation.
The attack happened hours after a car bomb exploded near a pro-US leader’s home in the central city of Ramadi. The blast occurred outside the house of Sheikh Amer Ali Suleiman - a leader of the Duleim tribe, one of the main Sunni tribes in Iraq. The sheikh was not injured, but one report says at least one child was killed.
Sheikh Suleiman has been advocating co-operation with the United States-backed coalition in Iraq.
That’s why he was a target.
Posted by: Steve 2003-11-20