
Dr. Laura under attack from Muslims (go figure)
Tip to WND (edited for brevity)
A controversial Islamic lobby group is demanding an apology from radio counselor Dr. Laura Schlessinger for an alleged "anti-Muslim tirade" on her program this week.
Keep waiting
Schlessinger, whose coast-to-coast show is heard by 12 million listeners, "crossed the line from legitimate commentary on terrorism to Islamophobic bigotry," charges the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR.
And CAIR knows how to cross the line.
The comments, on Monday’s program, came in response to a mother who asked whether her 16-year-old daughter should take part in a Catholic high school class’s field trip to a local mosque. The visit was part of a "moral themes" class that aimed to help students learn how "Muslims are treated" in the United States. Schlessinger, a WND columnist, replied to the mother:
"This is a class on morals. What is the point of going to a mosque? ... You’re joking of course. How many Americans have tortured and murdered Muslims. I think you ought to stand up against this class and this teacher. This is despicable. You tell him you are willing to go to the mosque only if it is one that has done its best to rout out terrorists in its midst. Instead of complaining.

"I am horrified that you would let her go. I am so sick and tired of all the Arab-American groups whining and complaining about some kind of treatment. What culture and what religion were all the murderers of 9-11? They murdered us. That’s the culture you want your daughter to learn about?"
ahh NO
Schlessinger’s producer, Keven Bellows, told WorldNetDaily the radio host is formulating a response but cannot comment at the moment.
I was thinking something like ’BITE ME’
In a statement, CAIR said last year it asked Schlessinger to clarify her claim there is a "Muslim plan" to take over the world.
Do we need to replay all the sermons from the mosques?
"When Schlessinger’s extremist views have been confronted in the past, she has often responded by attacking the source of the challenge, instead of dealing with the substance of the complaints," CAIR said.
Dr Laura is more MAINSTREAM that CAIR can ever hope to be.
The group’s communications director, Ibrahim Hooper, said "Dr. Laura’s anti-Muslim tirade demonstrates a level of hostility toward Islam that should be of concern to her program’s audience and sponsors."
LOL a threat from a muslim? How....Tolerant!
"It has been our experience that one-on-one interactions with ordinary American Muslims are the best way to dispel Islamophobic stereotypes and promote religious tolerance," Hooper said. "It is a pity that Dr. Laura would interfere with that learning process by dissuading a student from visiting a mosque."

It’s good to see that CAIR has found a word that describes the feelings of DISTRUST towards the Islamic community: Islamophobic. Why are so many of us Islamophobic? “one-on-one interactions with ordinary American Muslims are the best way to dispel Islamophobic stereotypes and promote religious tolerance.” I don’t think this is entirely true. I am sure that the people on those planes on 9/11 did not come away from that one-on-one interaction with a feeling of tolerance. Nor did the people in the twin towers or at the Pentagon. Am I painting with too broad a brush here? Maybe but consider that EVERY time a suicide bomber goes off in the world CAIR, PLO, Bathists, or any other Islamic based group tells us that it’s some Jewish conspiracy against them. To this dat I have not heard one of these groups take responsibility for their action or the hatred they have festered. Is it hard to admit the maybe, JUST MAYBE, they entire world does not revolve around the Palestinian/Israeli peace process? Also MAYBE Arafat is the WRONG leader for those people. Also maybe you don’t have to spew about being the ‘dominant religion’ or instilling some Koranic law on us? I served in the Air Force with two gentleman that practiced Islam and I NEVER heard either one of them spew would comes out of these ‘national’ organizations. The leader of CAIR and other groups might want to stop trolling the air waves for Islamophobes and start cleaning up there own act. How about starting by telling the ILLEGAL immigrant Arabs that maybe if they respect the laws in this country people will be more tolerant of them. Or the next time some teenage bomber blows up a pizza parlor, you condemn the bomber and not the bombed. Sorry to rant on so but Dr. Laura is right on target with her comments no matter how unpalatable they are to CAIR. As a final note, maybe CAIR can help us by recalling all the terrorists that they helped catch. I sure would like to know that they are helping the WOT instead of bitching about their right.
Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-11-20