
Thousands join anti-Bush protest
Thousands of people have taken to the streets in London to protest against George W Bush and the war on Iraq.
Organisers claim more than 150,000 have joined the march in central London, although police put the figure closer to 30,000.
Whom to believe police or the protestors?

Mr Bush has carried on with his engagements which have included talks with Prime Minister Tony Blair.
He and Mr Blair jointly condemned Thursday’s bomb attacks in Turkey and reiterated their war on terror.

Foreign activists
Security in the capital has been stepped up for the presidential visit and in anticipation of Thursday’s march, 5,123 police officers have been deployed.
There have already been 50 arrests since Tuesday night as part of the special security operation.
The operations was called BOBBIES BONK BONEHEADS!

Deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Andy Trotter said the attacks in Istanbul underlined that his officers were working for the protection of demonstrators as much as Mr Bush.

"As we have seen, terrorists really don’t care who they blow up or who they target," he said.

"They would have no compunction to take out demonstrators, no compunction in any way at all. And that’s a very difficult message to get across to some demonstrators."

Officers are prepared for major disruption to the city centre as the march heads towards Trafalgar Square, and some roads around the route have been closed.

They are particularly concerned that as many as 1,000 European anarchists have targeted the event for their own purpose.
Anti-war and anarchists?

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens said they were "absolutely intent on not carrying out peaceful protests and mischief-making".

And Mr Trotter said police intelligence had already suggested strongly that there could be pockets of violence and disorder breaking out, especially after the rally breaks up this evening in Trafalgar Square.

Many schoolchildren were expected to leave their classrooms, particularly in London schools, and join the march.
Marchers started gathering from 1200 GMT, with the protest wending its way to Trafalgar Square via Whitehall and Parliament.

Organisers say the rally, which will culminate in the toppling of an 18ft effigy of Mr Bush, will be Britain’s largest weekday protest.

"This phenomenal response shows the depth of feeling of the British public towards this visit," said a Stop the War Coalition spokesman. Then his lips fell off.

In Scotland, the Scottish Parliament was suspended after a protester dressed in a George Bush mask shouted anti-war slogans from the public gallery during a debate on Iraq.
Mr Bush and Mr Blair held talks at Downing Street, following which they met representatives from several African countries to discuss action against HIV/ Aids.

They made a joint appearance earlier in the day to condemn the bomb attacks in Turkey and reiterate their commitment to the fight against terrorism.

The day is scheduled to be more low-key than the formal first day of the visit, which saw a 41-gun salute and lavish state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

Can we declare the ANSWER/STOP WAR marches a failure? 30K people after all this build up is a definite let down. Wonder how the LLL press is spinning this? Anybody over the pond hear anything about the protesters? The BBC link had a picture of what looked like models demonstrating? Just kidding I am sure they aren’t hookers and just dress trashy to get a job in this socialists state. Wonder what the Red Mayor is saying? I need to know! Just kidding I am sure they will tell us tomorrow that there were 200k people and they stopped war all over the world.

Posted by: Cyber Sarge (VRWC CA Chapter) 2003-11-20