
Enemy combatants killed
Thanks to Chuck for the tip!
Soldiers from the 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment received small arms fire from a truck this morning. The soldiers were investigating a site where a Bradley struck a landmine yesterday. The soldiers returned fire killing two of the enemy attackers. A third insurgent ran from the vehicle and was later detained.
"Set the dogs on 'im, Kowalski!"
"Go get 'im, Fang!"
"I give up!"
In a separate incident last night, three Iraqis were killed and two were wounded while soldiers maintained traffic checkpoints in Ramadi. The checkpoints had been established and the road cordoned because an Explosive Ordnance Disposal team was investigating a possible improvised explosive device (IED) or roadside bomb. At one checkpoint east of Ar Ramadi, a vehicle approached at a high rate of speed and failed to slow or stop after flashlight signals and warning shots were fired. Soldiers, then, engaged the vehicle killing the driver and wounding the passenger. Despite the soldiers efforts, the vehicle crashed into a Humvee injuring three soldiers. The three U.S. soldiers wounded in the incident were treated by their unit medics and were returned to duty.
Hmmm... Not even a dozen virgins for this guy...
At another traffic checkpoint less than 200 meters away, there was a potential car bomb Vehicle Borne IED that attempted to overrun the checkpoint while disregarding similar warning signals from soldiers. The engagement resulted in two enemy personnel being killed and another wounded. The two wounded in the incident were evacuated to the 28th Combat Support Hospital in Baghdad for further treatment.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-11-20