
Al-Qaida, IBDA-C Take Credit For Blasts
Turkey’s state-owned Anatolia news agency received a statement purportedly from the Turkish radical group the Islamic Front of Raiders of the Greater East (IBDA-C) claiming responsibility for the attacks on the British consulate and the Turkish headquarters of HSBC Bank. The statement said that the bombings were a joint operation with al-Qaida.
Then it get weird:“The attacks were jointly carried out by IBDA-C and al Qaida. Our attacks against Masonic circles will continue. Muslims are not alone,” Anatolia quoted the statement as saying.
The Masonic Circles?

They're storming Bilderberg next month. The Illuminati are gonna get it, too. And the Secret Knights of Malta — toast! And when they bump off the Merovingian Pretender they'll finally have Dire Revenge™ for that Charles Martel thing...

Y'know, these tinfoil turbans aren't nearly as heavy as they look...

Posted by: Steve 2003-11-20