
The men who shot Uday
No, not the 101st soldiers who finished the job, but the brave Iraqis who almost did it right the first time in 1996. Edited for brevity.
As Salman Sharif gave the order to open fire, he was certain he was going to die himself. You did not try to assassinate Uday Hussein, the former Iraqi president’s elder son and heir-apparent, at point blank range and expect to get away with it. "We knew we had a 1 percent chance of returning alive," Mr. Sharif says today, sitting crosslegged on a carpet-strewn floor as, for the first time, he recounts to a foreign newspaper the daring attack he led. "Strict security made this kind of operation almost impossible." But after months of careful planning, the four man hit squad drawn from a shadowy resistance group was determined to go ahead. As Uday Hussein drove his golden Porsche slowly up a busy street in one of Baghdad’s smartest districts, just after dark on Dec. 12 1996, two gunmen responded to Sharif’s command with a hail of bullets from their AK-47 rifles. "We were sure we had killed him," Sharif recalls. "We fired 50 rounds into that car." In fact, he discovered later, Uday had been hit 17 times but survived. He was crippled for the rest of his life, and - according to popular belief - rendered impotent (a special kind of justice, Sharif said, because of the elder Hussein son’s reputation for brutal womanizing), but he lived. Still, the unprecedented assassination attempt on a member of the ruling Baath Party’s inner circle sent an important message. "We showed that the Islamic resistance could reach any target at any time," Sharif says. "And we refuted before the whole world the regime’s claim that there was no resistance inside Iraq."
Click the link to read about the motivation, the plotting, the ambush, the escape, and the retribution.
Posted by: Dar 2003-11-20