
Clash Outside Miami Trade Talks
Fights on:
Police officers in riot gear fired rubber bullets and used long batons, plastic shield, concussion grenades and stun guns in clashes Thursday with hundreds of demonstrators opposed to ongoing talks aimed at creating a hemisphere-wide free trade zone. The clashes came before and after a peaceful march organized by the nation’s labor unions, which are also opposed to the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas. An estimated 8,000 to 10,000 marchers took part, saying the 34-nation FTAA would take thousands of jobs to other countries, reduce workers’ rights by exploiting cheap labor and drain natural resources.
Soon after the march ended, several dozen protesters resumed battling with police, pushing up against police lines and throwing water bottles at officers. The demonstrators had tear gas and rubber bullets fired at them by officers after they set small trash fires in the street.
Miami cops were ready for them, let them have it after they started the fires and started throwing large ball bearings. Fox even cut away from the Jackson perp walk.
Posted by: Steve 2003-11-20